Affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi (Upto Secondary Level) [Aff No. 1631100 - School Code - 21078]

President Message  

Let us pledge that every teacher must develop in the children, the urge for knowledge and also make efforts to empower the children to be able to form a well thought-out and a carefully considered decision. The child must develop "vivek" to be able to know the difference between good and bad.

This when added to freedom of thought and action, will lead to positive attitude and creative thinking which is the need of our great country.

May God Bless you and keep you always happy.


Shri Punam Suri
DAV CMC, New Delhi

DAV Global School, Patiala

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डीएवी ग्लोबल स्कूल
चिनार बाग, अर्बन एस्टेट , फेज - II
पटियाला - 147002.
फ़ोन :  0175 - 2923220, + 91 9216840025, + 91 9216840026
ईमेल : principaldavgp@gmail.com
वेबसाइट : www.davglobal.com

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